WRS Programming & Social Justice
Team Meeting
Tuesday, January 16
5:30-7:00pm on Zoom
Join us as we start building out our ideas for togetherness in 2024.
RSVP with your name and email to wrssisterhood@gmail.com,
The Zoom link for the meeting will be emailed to you. If you attend a meeting, you will be added to the distribution list for future meetings.
Join us! We are stronger together.
Thank you WRS Programming and Social Justice Team:
Gail Berkowitz, Judy Boomberg, Amy Friedricks, Angela Giacomini, Laura Giacomini, Jan Goldberg, Susan Goldwasser, Toni Golbus, Toni Grimes, BettyAnn Kram, Barbara Kraus, Sheri Langer, Jen Levine, Barbara Merino, Gerri Miller, Alissa Ralston, Harriet Schnitzer