Register for Women of Rodef Sholom
Events  & Membership Below

It’s Time to Join or Renew your WRS Membership
We’re One Woman Short Without You!

An Invitation to Make a Difference!

Women of Rodef Sholom is more than an organization. We're a mishpacha - a family, a sisterhood - on a mission to build a supportive, engaging, and joyful community.

Prepare for an enriching journey filled with inspiration and wonder, as we explore the world, and, when we see a need, repair it (tikkun olam).

Our membership year is July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, so it's time to renew or join!

Choose one of these three easy ways to renew or join:

  1. Renew directly with WRS online

  2. Mail your renewal by printing out and sending this form, along with your payment, to the address shown on the form

  3. Renew your WRS membership when you renew your Congregation Rodef Sholom annual membership.

If you have already renewed your membership, thank you for being a valued member of the Women of Rodef Sholom, because, without you, we are one woman short.

For more information, please contact WRS Membership


How to engage with WRS

The new fiscal year for WRS begins July 1. The WRS Fiscal Year & Annual Membership time period is July 1 - June 30th. Your annual membership applies to this period of time for the given year. Have any questions regarding your membership or Not sure if your Membership is up to date? Email the Membership VP:

Bring your unique skills to one of the standing committees in the new year by sending your contact information to

  • Membership through recruiting new members and planning events for our beloved existing members

  • Planning fun and meaningful sisterhood activities through our Programming endeavors

  • Performing important tikkun olam (repairing the world) through WRS Social Justice work

  • Volunteering in our beautiful retail Judaica Gift Shop in the JCC, recruiting shop volunteers, or bookkeeping for our treasured shop

  • Raising critical tzedakah (charitable funds) relied upon by our sisterhood-, congregational-, and wider communities.

WRS Events, Groups & Learning

Tu BiShvat Seder Senior Outreach


Wednesday, February 5, 2025
10:00am - 12:00pm
Potluck and Learning with Rabbi Elana

Rabbi Elana will be leading a Tu BiShvat Seder to teach us about this joyous holiday which shows our appreciation for trees, plants, and fruits.

Create a dish to share using food from the seven species mentioned in Deuteronomy: “a land of wheat and barley, vines, figs and pomegranates, olive trees and honey.”

 Look online for Tu BiShvat recipe suggestions. 

Be creative and bring a copy of your recipe. We will copy and assemble a book of these recipes to be shared with others.

There is no charge to attend this Seder.

Rides are available.

Questions?email to                    



Join Us for a Very Special Kozy Kibbutz


Thursday, February 13, 2025


In this season of honoring all the loves of our lives, please celebrate friendship and sisterhood.

Reconnect with dear friends and meet new ones.

Come schmooze with WRS members and prospective members.

In-person or virtually

Light bites and beverages (alcoholic and nonalcoholic) in a private cozy environment at the in-person event. 

For WRS members and their guests

WRS Monthly Walks

Join your neighbors and others for
monthly walks in Marin.

Our fun and relaxed WRS walking group will be in Tiburon this month. We walk for about an hour on flat paths throughout Marin. WRS monthly walks are a great way to connect with other women and nature.

Dates and location

January 6 - 10:00am
Marin Civic Center Lagoon Park Walking Path

February 2 - 10:00am
Corte Madera Creek Pathway/Hal Brown-Creekside Park

March 2 - 10:00am
Blackie's Pasture - Tiburon 

The Walking Group will meet inside the Northgate Mall in front of Macy’s in the event of inclement weather.

Register by emailing to with your name, email address, telephone number, and city or zip code. We will send you details before the walk. We can't wait to walk with you!

WRS Book Group

book club.jpg

Monday, February 3
7:00pm on Zoom


Book selections for February and March:

February 3 -Ain’t No Grave by Mary Glickman

March 3 -Goyhood by Reuven Fenton 

These are the 2025 One Bay One Book Selections.

Please email to if you would like to receive WRS Book Club updates each month.

"Voices from the Cantorial Revival"

Congregation Rodef Sholom Sanctuary

Saturday, February 22, 2025




WRS Member Author’s Booktalk

WRS Member Penny Lane Will Speak on Writing Memoirs 

At the Mill Valley Public Library 

Her book is available at the Gift Shop.


Foods and Songs of Passover

Celebrate Passover with WRS

Sunday, March 23, 2025

You will receive an email invitation
to make a reservation.

Care Package Gathering for Your College Student


Sunday, March 30, 2025

Connect with fellow congregants for a meaningful 
and fun gathering to assemble Passover care packages for our college-bound children.

You will receive an email invitation

Visit Our Award Winning Gift Shop
for All your Needs & Gifts

Sales staff needed in the WRS Gift Shop

Have you ever considered yourself behind the counter meeting folks coming into the JCC and helping someone find that special gift?

We need you now! Flexible shifts and a 20% discount on your purchases.

Thinking about it? Email our Volunteer Coordinator to find out more.

Gift Shop Hours:

Mon-Thurs 10:00am-3:00pm
Friday 11:30am-2:00pm
Sunday 10:00am-12:30pm

For your Sabbath table and all holidays, candle sticks by Israeli Judaica Artist Yair Emanual

We won Favorite Gift Shop in the North Bay and Favorite Jewelry in the North Bay in the J Weekly. 

Shop online for a great selection greetings cards, shofars, honey dishes, host gifts and much more. If you order at the WRS website, delivery is available in Marin.

Place an order for pick up or delivery.

If you are shopping for a talit, you can make an appointment by email to come in to the shop, or if you don't see what you're looking for in the Gift Shop, please ask for assistance by email. 

Email the Gift Shop.

We will help you find just the right item, and your purchase will help fund the programs of the Women of Rodef Sholom.

Get Involved with WRS!

WRS Monthly Team Meetings

Board of Directors Meeting

Membership Team Meeting

Programming Team Meeting

Social Justice Committee Meeting


Meet Kris Malone Grossman


How long have you been on the board of WRS and what keeps you staying involved?

I joined the WRS board in 2024.  What keeps me staying involved: Women.

What is your favorite memory from a Women of Rodef Sholom event?

Well, I have to list two. The first is not yet a genuine memory but is already memorable: I truly enjoy the WRS board and committee meetings which embody Sisterhood. The level of respect and thoughtfulness with which our Sisters engage is profoundly affecting. All the more so, because this thoughtful regard occurs within the context of a meeting, agenda, and action items - all of which WRS gets done. Not an easy balance to strike. Ours is at once the most efficient and welcoming board I have ever served on. The second: our recent WRS-led Shabbat continues to resonate in me. The moving songs, prayers, readings, and Clara's staggering drash—the entire evening—exemplify why I cherish being a part of women's circles and WRS.

In one word, what does Women of Rodef Sholom mean to you?


What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

I love front porches. A lot can happen when you hang out on a front porch. 

What is something that you do for fun?

During summer, I hike in the Eastern Sierra. During winter, I hike in Marin and Sonoma, pinching myself the whole time. Bonus if one of my kids joins me.

What genre of music or literature inspires you?

Free jazz and fusion. I find some of it so completely improbable, so delightful, that all I can do is crack up when I hear it. 

Who is your favorite Jewish woman and why?

One? Just one? Well, one of my favorite Jewish women is Phyllis Chesler, genius feminist psychologist, women’s studies scholar, and National Jewish Book Award winner who in 1972 penned Women and Madness, a total takedown of Freudian psychology’s head-trip on women. Her pen is fire, and she does not mince words, not in any of her dozen-odd tomes that explore motherhood, the feminist movement, womanhood, antisemitism, her experience as a young bride in Kabul, and more. Nor did she remain silent after October 7th. She vociferously elucidated the heartbreaking double standard that many, including feminists, apply when it comes to caring for Jewish women. Another of my favorite writers, the late Harry Crews, might call her a hellcat—in the best possible way. So would I.

Meet Alissa Ralston


How long have you been on the board of WRS and what keeps you staying involved?

 I came back on the board this past year after several years away. I served for several years in the past when the women's seder and our first retreat were created. I also served a term as president.

What is your favorite memory from a Women of Rodef Sholom event?

Our first retreat at the Marconi Center was amazing. We had an inspiring scholar in residence and a great time all around.

In one word, what does Women of Rodef Sholom mean to you?


What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

I used to ride a (small) motorcycle.

What is something that you do for fun?


What genre of music or literature inspires you?

Historical fiction

Who is your favorite Jewish woman and why?

I don't have one.

WRS needs an Event Promotion Coordinator

Want to be More Involved?

WRS is looking to fill this position with someone who has good technical skills,
wants to know about WRS events in advance,
and will be in touch with all board members.

Interested? Email to

Learn More about Women of Rodef Sholom's
Social Justice Activities

Current information for these organizationsis available on their websites.

Click on the link to each website.

The Women of Rodef Sholom is a proud member of the Women of Reform Judaism and WRJ Pacific District(WRJ PD). Sign up for the WRJ PD's weekly "Chai Line." WRJ “Advocacy Matters” Newsletter. Sign up here

Read about Rodef Sholom's Social Justice Activities & Other Events

 Congregation Rodef Sholom's website

Follow Link below to the MOC Website

Marin Organizing Committee

Visit the Religious Action Committee Website through Link Below

Religious Action Committee



WRS had a wonderful visit to the Buck Institute.

Please click on the link below to read all about the center.

Buck Institute for Research on Aging

Looking Back...


This year’s Sisterhood Shabbat was filled with music provided by Amy Friedericks, Barbara Merino, and Toni Golbus, accompanied by our wonderful instrumentalists. Members of Sisterhood led the service. Claire Mikowski shared her learning and experience with us and gave a powerful sermon. Lara Gremmels, Jan Goldberg, and Marilyn Aaron all did readings. Thank you Rabbi Elana and Rabbi Leo for praying with us.


On Sunday, January 26, WRS helped to honor International Holocaust Remembrance day by paying tribute to the extraordinary talent and resilience of Jewish composers who created music while imprisoned during the Holocaust. The free live music and multimedia program, co-hosted for its Marin debut by Women of Rodef Sholom, Congregation Rodef Sholom, and the Marin Osher JCC, with support from Brandeis Marin, the Marin Interfaith Council, and the Contemporary Jewish Museum, drew more than 300 attendees for what was Congregation Rodef Sholom’s first-ever live-music special event in the new sanctuary. With a chamber orchestra and chorus, and narrative film component, Songs transported us into a world of Jewish strength, brilliance, and creativity—and incontrovertible historical truth.

To bring Songs Of Truth to your area, contact

Help bring Songs of Truth to more communities by making a tax -deductible donation through Paypal or Venmo to the Golden Gate Symphony. 


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