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Rosh Chodesh Group

The Rosh Chodesh Group
Next meeting: Tuesday, June 6
2:00pm - 3:30pm on Zoom

“Whoever blesses the moon in its time welcomes the presence of the Schechina (female Devine presence).”

In Sivan we look at the story of Ruth and her decision to embrace Judaism. Her relationship to Naomi leads to a conversation about women’s bonds with each other. Ruth’s story also sparks conversation about the choices that Jews by Choice make. We’ll look at the human zodiac sign, Gemini, twins, and how it connects to receiving the Torah. How much would you pay for the 10 Commandments? After the Sivan discussion, we’ll have an open conversation about the form and content participants want for future gatherings. 

Please join us this month for another lively discussion. Everyone is welcome.


If you would like to purchase Rosh Chodesh 

materials ($18.00), click here.

These materials are not required to attend our meetings.
